The YES Bank Personal Loan Top Up

Personal Loan Top Up Offers

Rate of Interest
10.5% onwards
Single EMI
Loan Amount
Apply For Top-Up Loan With YES Bank

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    With The Representative APR of 11.25% of a Personal Loan For ₹ 2 Lakhs To Be Repaid Over 60 Months, The EMI Will Be ₹ 4373.46 Per Month For The Entire Tenure.
    What is a YES Bank Personal Loan Top Up?
    A YES Bank Top Up Personal Loan is available to all customers with an Existing Personal Loan. A Personal Loan Top-Up from YES Bank is a convenient option for existing customers needing funds for personal usage YES Bank respects the relationship with customers repaying their installments timely, and further awards amounts when required on a priority basis.
    What is The Eligibility Requirement For a Personal Loan Top Up From YES Bank?
    The criterion for the YES Bank Personal Loan Top-Up Eligibility is as follows.
    Vintage of Existing Personal Loan
    The vintage of the current loan must be three months or more and an applicant must make the repayment of a minimum of three EMI or more before applying for the extra amount. Exceptions are applicants with high-income minimal obligations and a good CIBIL Score.
    The Applicant should work with an approved company in the YES Bank Company category list for a YES Personal Loan Top Up. Proof of continuous employment for 12 months is required to process. A break in the employment track is not acceptable
    The Applicant's Income Criteria and Financial Eligibility
    The salary transferred to the salary account must be ₹25k and above. The Bank will ensure the Applicant has the financial bandwidth and can afford the extra EMI for the Top-Up amount. If the payment of the Applicant has increased, the Bank will grant a Top Up readily, whereas if there has been a loss of income, the lender will review accordingly.
    The CIBIL Score and History
    The Customer's CIBIL Score or credit history is essential to check the quantum of credit held in the form of Loans, consumer borrowings, or credit cards.
    The repayment track of all credit used should be on time, and the CIBIL Score above 720 points to be eligible for a Top-Up.
    The YES Bank Personal Loan Top Up eligibility calculations are done considering all the obligations reflected in the CIBIL record and will deny a request for a Top-Up if the CIBIL record reflects that a Lender has recently granted additional credit.
    What are The Benefits of a Top Up Personal Loan YES Bank?
    An Applicant can use a Personal Loan Top Up for All Personal Requirements
    The Customer is free to use a Personal Loan Top Up From YES Bank for lifestyle requirements as required, such as home renovation, buying electronic gadgets, holiday expenses, family celebrations, or emergency needs like paying credit card bills or medical expenses.
    A Personal Loan Top Up YES Bank is a Quick Process
    An applicant with an Existing Personal Loan from YES Bank can receive extra funds when required as a Top Up the Bank processes the request with priority, as the details and track record are already known and verified. As a result, the Applicant receives funds on time and the Bank is happy to retain a good customer.
    Pay a Single EMI With a YES Top Up Personal Loan
    The Top Up approved is added to the principal balance of the existing Personal Loan therefore, the Customer is comfortable paying a single installment.
    Apply For a Personal Loan Top Up to Yes Bank to Avail The Maximum Eligibility
    The process for a Top Up involves the foreclosure of the Existing Personal Loan, thus increasing the eligibility for an additional loan amount as a Top Up. If the loan amount required is in excess, the Applicant can easily avail the amount with a Top Up.
    Advantage of an Existing Relationship
    The YES Bank respects the customer relationship and offers enhanced loan amounts as a Personal Loan Top Up and awards Applicants paying the installment of their loan on time with a lower interest rate, an affordable EMI and better terms and conditions.
    Restructure Your Loan With a Balance Transfer and Top Up
    Individuals running a Personal Loan with an external Bank can now apply for a Transfer of the Principal dues to YES Bank with a lower interest rate and a Top Up for surplus funds.
    With this transaction, the Customer achieves a lower interest for the entire loan amount, a single installment, and the extra amount required as a Top Up.
    What are The Features of a Personal Loan Top Up From YES Bank?
    Significant Features of a Top Up Loan From YES Bank include.
    The Loan Amount That Can be Sanctioned as a Top Up
    The YES Bank sanctions the Loan amount as a Top Up from a minimum of ₹50 k up to a maximum of 15 Lakhs. The loan amount an Applicant is eligible for depends upon the policy of the Bank, the Applicant's eligibility, and the CIBIL Score.
    The Tenure For Repayment
    The Tenure for the Personal Loan Top Up repayment is 12 to 60 months, allotted by the Bank depending on the loan amount approved and the Customer's repayment capacity.
    Minimal Documents Required For Processing
    The Top Up Applicant is a prior Customer of YES Bank therefore, Most documents are available with the Bank. Thus the request for a Top Up requires minimal documentation for processing. However, if the Applicant has changed jobs and residence, updated KYC documents and a new proof of employment are required.
    What is The Loan Amount Granted as a Top Up?
    The Applicant can apply for the loan amount required, but the amount granted will be according to the Bank's criteria. The YES Personal Loan eligibility calculation for the loan amount is as per the following.
    • The Net Monthly Salary of The Applicant Transferred To The Bank Account.
    • The Total EMI Paid For The YES Bank Personal Loan and Other Loans With External Lenders.
    • YES Bank Includes 5% of The Credit Card Bills Outstanding in The Monthly Obligations.
    • The Sum of The EMI The Applicant is Currently Paying, Not Including The Existing Loan From YES Bank and Other Commitments is Deducted From The Net Salary of the Customer.
    A multiplier is applied to the balance as per the company category of the Customer in the YES Bank company category list to arrive at the eligibility for the Loan Amount.
    What are the Charges For a Personal Loan Top Up From YES Bank?
    Interest Rate: YES Bank Personal Loan Top Up Interest rate ranges from 10.99% to 18% charged @ reducing balance. The rate applied for the Top Up is as per;
    • The Current Rates Offered by YES Bank.
    • The Rate of Interest Approved For The Existing Personal Loan.
    • The Additional Amount the Customer Requires as a Top Up on The Personal Loan.
    • The Establishment Category of the Customers Employer, According To The YES Bank Company Category List.
    Processing Fees
    The processing fee is a one-time charge for issuing the funds the Bank deducts the expenses on disbursal from the loan amount approved. The Applicant has to give no cost at the time of application. Other significant charges are similar to that of a Fresh Personal Loan.
    What is The YES Bank Personal Loan Top-Up procedure?
    To Apply for a Top Up or to add an extra amount to an existing personal Loan, the process steps are as follows:
    • Apply YES Bank Personal Loan Top Up by giving the option and documents as required for a new loan, including the KYC, Income documents, and Bank statement.
    • The Documents are verified, and the Bank will view the CIBIL details to check the Score and credit history of the Applicant.
    • Banks conduct Verification of the Applicant to confirm the residence and employment details the Bank may waive verification if the same is as previously verified.
    • The final decision to approve the request is with the Underwriter, who assimilates the above data and calculates if the Customer is finally eligible.
    The Steps Followed For The Disbursal are as Follows:
    • First, the Applicant accepts the terms and conditions for the YES Bank Top-Up Loan and signs an agreement.
    • The Bank forecloses the Existing Personal Loan and generates a new Account with the Principle balance of the current loan and the Top Up amount.
    • The Top Up amount is transferred to the Applicant's Bank Account by ECS.
    • The Applicant pays a new EMI per the approved Tenure on the authorized date.
    Is a Top Loan Better Than a New Loan?
    To get a Top Loan or apply for a New Loan depends on the status of the existing loan and the Customer's requirements. The following factors will help make a decision:
    • The existing loan should be eligible for a Top Up YES Bank Personal Loan as per the eligibility requirements.
    • A Top Up makes more sense financially if the existing Personal Loan is in the initial stages, as the interest repaid is minimal. In contrast, if the Tenure has crossed the halfway mark, the interest paid is more than the Principal loan amount. Restructuring the loan with a Top Up is costly.
    • A Top Up Loan is beneficial if an additional EMI is unaffordable. With a Top-Up and restructuring of the current loan the Applicant can request an increased Tenure with a suitable EMI.
    • If the additional requirement for funds is for a limited period, applying for a New/ Parallel Loan is better which is independent of the previous loan and repaid when funds are available.
    • A Top Up Loan increases the eligibility for loan amount As with the preclosure of the existing loan, the principal loan amount reduces. Thereby the Customer is eligible to apply for an additional amount.
  • Who Can Apply For a Personal Loan Top Up From Yes Bank?
  • All existing Personal Loan customers meeting the criteria of YES Bank are eligible to apply.

  • Are There Any Charges For The Preclosure of The Existing Personal Loan?
  • WHEN ISSUING A TOP UP, the YES Bank will close the existing loan without charges.

  • How Much Top Up Can I Get On My Existing Personal Loan?
  • The YES Bank grants a Top Up amount according to the Applicants capacity to pay the monthly installment and eligibility as per the Yes Bank Personal loan Top Up calculator.

  • How many Times Can I Apply For a Top Up Loan?
  • The YES Bank grants a Personal Loan Top Up as many times as the Applicant is Eligible.

  • What Happens When You Apply For a Loan Amount as a Top Up?
  • Once a Top Up Loan is Approved, the existing loan closes, and a new loan account is generated and structured with the current loan's principal balance.

  • Does The YES Bank Process a YES Bank Personal Loan Top Up Online?
  • The YES Bank accepts online applications for processing a Top Up.

  • What is The CIBIL Score Required for a Personal Loan Top Up from YES Bank?
  • An Applicant must have a CIBIL score of 720 points and above to get a Top Up loan from YES Bank.

  • What are The Foreclosure Terms For a YES Bank Personal Loan Top Up?
  • The foreclosure terms for a Top Up Loan are similar to that of a Personal Loan. However, the Customer can close the loan after paying 12 EMI.

  • How Long Does it Take To Get Funds as a Top Up From YES Bank?
  • The YES Bank disburses funds as a Top Up on a priority basis and processes the loan in 72 hours.

  • What is The EMI Date For a Personal Loan Top Up?
  • The installment hits the Applicant's account on the 5th of every month through ECS.

  • Can an Applicant Choose The Tenure To Repay a Personal Loan Top Up?
  • The Bank applies the Tenure for Repayment according to the financial capacity of the Applicant to repay the monthly installment.

  • Is Applying For a Top Up With The Balance Transfer of a Personal Loan a Good Idea?
  • It is beneficial to Apply For a Top Up with the Balance Transfer of a Personal Loan as the interest rate is the lowest and increases the eligibility for loan amounts.

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