ICICI Bank Personal Loan

Premium Personal Loan Offers

The Perfect Solution For Your Diverse Financial Needs

Rate of Interest
@10.5% to 17% (APR)
Repayment Tenure
12 to 60 Months
Processing Fees
0.5% to 2.25% (One Time)
Balance Transfer To ICICI
@ 10.75%
Apply For Personal Loan

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    With The Representative APR of 11.25% of a Personal Loan For ₹ 2 Lakhs To Be Repaid Over 60 Months, The EMI
    Will Be ₹ 4373.46 Per Month For The Entire Tenure.
    Get A Hassle Free And Quick Personal Loan Online Process
    Your Ready Reckoner For a Personal Loan.
    Minimum Income Credited To The Salary A/C 30k+
    Age of Applicant 23 years to 58 years
    Vintage of Employment Minimum of 12 months
    Employment Type Salaried/Professionals
    Personal Loan Amount Disbursed ₹ 1lakhs to ₹ 40 lakhs
    Rate of Interest @reducing balance 10.5% - 17%
    Processing Fees as Per Loan Amount. nil to 2.5%
    Tenure Applicable from 12 month to 60 Months
    Example of The Major Charges For a Personal Loan
    Loan Amount ₹1 lakhs
    Rate of Interest. 12%@ reducing balance
    Flat Per Annum 6.49%
    Processing Fees 1% ₹2000/-
    Tenure 24 months
    EMI 4707.35
    [Preclosure & other charges will be applied as per actuals]
    * Your loan advisors provides services FREE for all customers
    About ICICI Bank
    The ICICI Bank is today a household name. It offers a wide range of Banking products & financial services for its corporate & retail customers, originally promoted in 1994 by ICICI Ltd, an Indian financial institution.
    In October 2001, the Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI and two of its wholly-owned retail finance subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services Limited, with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by shareholders of ICICI and ICICI Bank in January 2002.
    Today The ICICI Bank is India's largest private sector bank with total assets of Rs. 7,206.95 billion (US$ 109 billion) on March 31, 2016, and profit after tax of Rs. 97.26 billion (US$ 1,468 million) for the year ended March 31, 2016. ICICI Bank currently has a network of 4,450 Branches and 14,393 ATM's across India.
    In the Personal Loan Segment ICICI Bank has a huge market presence, having the 3rd largest portfolio, preceded only by HDFC Bank & SBI.
    ICICI Bank offers its customers a hassle free and convenient process. The Personal Loan product has been designed to serve ICICI Bank account holders & other walk-in personal loan applicants efficiently. Every effort is made to make it available easily, within the shortest turnaround time.
    Loan Amount
    Amounts issued as a ICICI Personal Loan are from a minimum of ₹50k up to a maximum of ₹30 Lakhs. The Bank will consider the Loan amount needed by the applicant and Apply ICICI Bank Personal Loan, but the amount finally approved by the Bank depends upon the eligibility criteria. An applicant can use the ICICI Bank Personal Loan EMI Calculator to check the monthly EMI affordability. The Loan amount disbursed from ICICI Bank depends on the following criterion:
    The Monthly Income of The Applicant
    Loan amounts will be issued as per the net salary of the applicant credited to the Bank account. Any other fixed monthly income sources such as the rent are included in the total. ICICI Personal Loan Eligibility check for the Loan amount keeping in mind the necessary monthly expenses of the client, a higher income individual will therefore be eligible for an increased Loan amount.
    Existing Credit Lines
    Taken into account will be the existing credit cards and loans of the applicant, credit card dues will included in the total obligations. Any credit card bills pending should be paid before applying for the loan. The total value of all the installement currently being paid and the EMI for the new Loan should be easily affordable by the applicant with the current earnings.
    The CIBIL Score For ICICI Personal Loan
    ICICI Bank processes the requests of first-time loan seekers without a CIBIL Score, though the Loan amount issued may be conservative. On receiving the application the CIBIL of the applicant will be viewed, to confirm the current existing credit, and previous history and ICICI Personal Loan Eligibility Cibil Score before approving the Loan amount applied for.
    The Bank Statement Details
    The banking of the applicant should be healthy with enough balance maintained at all times and no cheque returns or bounces. A study of the Bank statement will reflect the regular income and outgoings and the financial behaviour of the applicant there must be enough balance maintained at all times to afford the extra EMI.
    Preferred Customers ICICI Bank Personal Loans
    ICICI Bank Salary Account Holders
    Personal Loan applicants holding a salary account in ICICI Bank will be given the benefit of a discounted rate of interest and processing fees. The Bank is comfortable to issuing increased loan amounts to ICICI Bank account holders as their financial history is readily available to the Bank. KYC details are being updated the Loan will be processed speedily.
    Applicants employed with companies included in the ICICI Bank Company Category List are preferred customers for lending: the turnover and profitability of the companies proven the employees are assured of their regular income. Lowered rates of interest are offered to premier companies hiring the best talent and paying higher salaries, the risks involved in lending are minimised to such individuals who are well qualified with a secured future.
    Applicants Having A Relations With ICICI Bank
    Individuals with a previous or existing relationship with ICICI Bank will be granted a Personal Loan easily giving weightier to successful repayment track of a Loan or regular usage and repayment of Credit Card dues. A Personal Loan being unsecured a track record of timely payment is the best guarantee for issuing a Personal Loan.
    Salaried Professional Applicants
    Professionals such as Doctors, Dentists, Chartered Accountants and Lawyers employed and earning regular salaries are preferred personal loan applicants and can Apply ICICI Bank Personal Loan. The highly valued education and Degree make them eligible to receive the maximum amount as an ICICI Personal Loan for Doctors, with the most suitable terms and conditions.
    The ICICI Bank Processes Personal Loans under different heads as per the requirement and the profile of the applicant. Further defining the basic Personal Loan product makes it convenient to process and helps satisfy the specific need of the customer.
    High-income customers looking for a Personal Loan amount of ₹ 10 lakhs and above are prime customers ICICI Bank offers reduced rates of interest of 10.99% to customers eligible for a Loan amount of 10 lakhs and above. A Lump sum to be charged for processing and options for pre-closure and part payment of the loan post 12 months are offered. The Personal Loan application is processed within a record time to ensure speedy disbursal of funds.
    Fresh Personal Loan
    First-time loan seekers can apply to the ICICI Bank for a fresh Personal loan. A CIBIL Score is not mandatory to Apply ICICI Personal Loan the requirement for the loan amount will be processed as per the terms and conditions of the ICICI Bank. The amount approved will be transferred to the Bank account the loan amount may be conservative for applicants who have no previous credit score or history or declined if the ICICI Bank Personal Loan Eligibility Criteria are not met.
    Personal Loan Top Up
    A customer with a pre existing ICICI Bank Personal Loan can apply for extra funds as an ICICI Bank Top Up Personal Loan. With a Top Up the existing loan will be restructured to include the additional amount as per the ICICI Personal Loan Top Up Eligibility. The advantage is that a single EMI will be paid for the total amount, the applicant also has the choice of changing the tenure applied to the restructured loan to pay a suitable EMI.
    Balance Transfer of a Personal Loan.
    ICICI Bank offers to take over the Personal Loans of applicants with external Banks. Base rates with attractive terms and conditions are offered to customers with an on-time payment track, extra amounts are also offered as a Top up with the Balance Transfer. ICICI Bank will pay the external Bank on behalf of the applicant who can then enjoy the umpteen privileges of the ICICI Bank Personal Loan.
    The Repayment Tenure Applied for a Personal loan from ICICI Bank
    The tenure applied for Personal Loan from ICICI Bank is from 12 to 60 months: this is the time period within which the loan amount taken from the Bank is to be repaid. The tenure applicable to a Personal Loan is issued as per the policy of the ICICI Bank and depends on the income of the customer and the ability to pay the monthly EMI.
    Unsecured Loan
    A ICICI Personal Loan for salaried employees is issued without any security, solely on the basis of the profile of the applicant and the documentation submitted. An applicant can secure funds without the pressure of mortgaging jewellery or any asset.
    Convenient and Flexible
    With ICICI Bank a Personal Loan is convenient to process with simple documentation. The installement can be repaid easily via monthly installement over a suitable tenure, through ECS (electronic clearing systems).
    Get Your Funds Timely
    The processing of a Personal Loan with ICICI Bank is a smooth and hassle-free process. It is efficient and transparent: over the years it has been streamlined to provide funds to the applicant within the shortest turnaround time of 48 to 72 hours.
    Funds Issued To Open Market Companies
    It is not mandatory to have an account with ICICI Bank to receive a Personal Loan. ICICI Bank issues Personal Loan to seekers, working in companies not featuring in the ICICI Bank company category list if policy terms are fulfilled.
    ICICI Bank issues Personal Loans For Any Personal Requirement
    An applicant can Apply ICICI Personal Loan for a variety of end usages, may it be an emergency requirement, medical expenditures, school fees, holiday expenses or a celebration in the family funds can be used as required.
    A Personal Loan from ICICI Bank can be used for any family emergency, holiday, marriage or any family function, to meet lifestyle expenses without any restrictions. ICICI Bank processes Personal Loan requirement of all Indian citizens meeting the following ICICI Personal loan Criteria.
    The applicant must be above 21 years of age to process a Personal Loan from ICICI Bank the maximum age for repayment of the loan is 60 years, and an extension up to the age of 65 years can be granted if proof of extension of the retirement age is provided.
    Educational Qualifications
    ICICI Provides a Personal Loan to applicants who have completed their education to the level of graduation and above. Weightage will be given to better-qualified, are professionals, and have completed their Degree from a Top college or institute.
    Monthly Income
    As per ICICI Personal Loan Eligibility, ICICI loans to salaried persons earning a regular monthly income of 25k and above. The minimum net amount of 25k payable should reflect in the salary slip and be credited to the Bank account of the applicant month on month.
    Bank Account
    The applicant should hold a salary account in any recognised Bank to which the salary is transferred month on month. Receipt of salary by cheque may be accepted, if the cheque is being deposited regularly but applicants receiving cash salary are not eligible.
    Work Experience
    To successfully Apply ICICI Personal Loan the applicant must have a work experience of 12 months or more. If there is a change in employment there should not be a break, the applicant should be continuously employed proof of the same will need to be provided when applying.
    Profile of Current Company/Organization Currently Employed With
    The company the applicant is currently employed with should be registered as Ltd, private ltd, PSU or, a Government owned. The company should have been in existence for 5 years or more with a healthy turnover. Employees of proprietorship and partnership companies will not be funded.
    CIBIL Score
    ICICI Bank funds applicants who have a 0 or -1 CIBIL if there is no CIBIL history. Applicants having a credit history should have a CIBIL Score of 720 Points or more, with no defaults or settlements in the track record. Over usage of credit or too many inquiries will be viewed negatively.
    Charges For a Personal Loan From ICICI Bank
    The Major Charges For a Personal Loan Include The Following:
    The Rate of Interest
    This is the major charge for the cost of funds forwarded as a Personal Loan. The ICICI Personal Loan Interest Rate ranges from 11% to 22% charged at a monthly reducing balance. ICICI Bank Charges a Rate of Interest as per the net salary of the applicant variations will be applied based on the following norms.
    The net income of the applicant is the major variable for the rate of interest to be applied. High-income applicants are considered to be premier customers and are offered lower rates of interest.
    Customers applying for increased loan amounts will be offered a discounted rate of interest. Thus, high-income personnel eligible for loan amounts above 10 lakhs will be offered the best rate.
    ICICI Bank publishes a list of special offers for applicants working in organisations that are progressive, currently showing increasing trends and sound future prospects. The ICICI Bank Personal loan interest rates offered to these applicants are with discounts.
    Processing Fees
    The processing fees or file charges are one-time charges that apply only if the loan amount is approved an amount of 0.5% to 2.5% of the loan amount is charged as the cost of the process, the fee is deducted from the loan amount transferred to the applicants account.
    Pre-Closure Charges
    ICICI Bank allows the Pre-closure of a Personal Loan after 12 EMI'S. Charges are applicable on the principal balance of the loan amount for paying back the Loan amount. Special offers for 0% pre-closure are applicable for a loan amount of 10 Lakhs+
    Personal Loan Insurance Charges
    ICICI Bank offers Personal Loan applicants the opportunity to avail of insurance for their Personal Loan. A minimal amount of 900/- per lakhs is charged protecting the applicant from an inability to pay the regular Emi due to loss of job, illness, or any eventuality.
    ICICI Personal Loan Rate Chart
    Salary Criteria Rate of Interest Rate of Interest Others Processing Fees Pre Closure Charges
    Cat A Cat B Cat B
    Special Companies 12.75% - 15.75% 8.75% 8.75% 999/- Nil for Loan Amount > 10 lacs 9 after 12 EMI'S Paid Else 5%
    Salary Above 75000 15.50% 16.00% 16.00% 1% – 2.5% Nil for Loan Amount > 10 lacs 9 after 12 EMI'S Paid Else 5%
    Salary Above 50,000-75,000 16.00% 16.50% 16.50% 1% – 2.5% 5% After EMI'S Paid
    Salary Above 35,000-50,000 16.50% 17% 17.50% 2.50% 5% After EMI'S Paid
    Salary Above 20000-35000 17% 17.50% 17.50% 2.50% Nil for Loan Amount > 10 lacs 5% After 12 Emi's Paid Else 5%
    Special Rates For Loan AMT B/W 5.20 Lacs 11.59% - 14.99% 11.59% - 14.99% 11.59% - 14.99% Nil for Loan Amount > 10 lacs 0% After 12 Emi's Paid Else 5%

    Rates mentioned above are standardised, liable to change as per Bank policy

    Documents Required For Processing Your Personal Loan
    Documents To Be Submitted as Proof of Income
    Salary Slips for the Last 3 months
    Bank Statement from Salary account for the last 3 months showing 3 salary credits.
    Form 16 for the last financial year.
    Pan card copy.
    KYC Documents
    Proof of Identity - Passport / Driving License / Voters ID
    Proof of Residence - Leave and License Agreement / Utility Bill (not more than 3 months old) / Passport
    Aadhaar Card Copy
    2 passport size photographs
    Pan Card Copy.
    Latest 3 months Bank Statement (where salary/income is credited).
    Salary slips for the last 3 months.
    Form 16 (latest).
  • What is a Personal Loan From ICICI Bank?
  • A Personal Loan From ICICI Bank is funds issued as a Loan to an applicant solely on the basis of the profile and documents provided therein without any security or guarantees.

  • For What Purpose Can a Personal Loan Be Used?
  • Funds received via a Personal Loan are meant for personal usage only and not for investment or business purposes.

  • Can The Applicant Get The Loan Amount Desired From ICICI Bank?
  • The Loan amount issued to an applicant is as per the eligibility criterion of ICICI Bank, keeping in mind the income and obligations.

  • Will The ICICI Bank Check The CIBIL Rating Before Issuing a Personal Loan?
  • A CIBIL inquiry is mandatory before further processing of a Personal Loan request from ICICI Bank. The CIBIL rating and history will be checked, and the CIBIL score for ICICI Personal Loan must be above 700 points.

  • Will The ICICI Bank Consider a Request if The ICICI Bank Personal Loan CIBIL Score Required is Low?
  • The Bank might consider approving some amount if the repayment history of the applicant has one odd hiccup and has other good repayment tracks.

  • Can An Applicant Re-apply For a Personal Loan To ICICI if a Request Has Been Previously Denied?
  • The applicant can re Apply For a Personal Loan a month after the request has been rejected it is prudent to assess the reason before reapplying.

  • Is it Mandatory To Have an Account With ICICI Bank To Receive a Personal Loan?
  • A salary account with any registered Bank is needed, it is not necessary to have an account with ICICI Bank To Apply ICICI Personal Loan.

  • Can Individuals Employed With Companies Not Featured in The ICICI Bank List Apply For Loans?
  • If the profile of the applicant and the company meets the Eligibility Criteria of ICICI Bank the applicant is eligible to apply.

  • How To Apply For ICICI Bank Personal Loan?
  • An individual can ICICI Bank Personal Loan Apply Online by scanning copies of the documents required, or giving hard copies of documents and filling in the application form.

  • How Can an Individual Apply Instant ICICI Bank Personal Loan?
  • Individuals with an ICICI Bank Account can Apply ICICI Personal Loan Online with these steps.

    • Log into your ICICI Bank account.
    • Select the loans tab.
    • Fill in the required details.
    • Get your eligibility.
    • Follow the instructions for disbursal.

    Thus An Applicant Can Receive an Online ICICI Instant Personal Loan.

  • What is The Time Taken To Achieve Funds via a Personal Loan From ICICI Bank?
  • The time taken to process a Personal Loan From ICICI Bank is 3 to 5 working days, from the time the documents are submitted till the Loan amount is disbursed.

  • Do ICICI Bank Account Holders Need To Submit Documentation When Applying For a Personal Loan?
  • The income documents with an updated KYC are required by the Bank to calculate the eligibility of the applicant the Bank statement of ICICI account holders need not be submitted.

  • Is it Mandatory To Sign All The Documents When Applying For a Personal Loan From ICICI Bank?
  • It is always a good practice to sign the application form, self attest and verify all the documents submitted to avoid undue delays in processing your Personal Loan.

  • How Will I Know The Loan Amount Approved and The Terms and Conditions of The Personal Loan?
  • The terms and conditions of the Personal Loan will be mentioned in the Personal Loan agreement to be signed post-approval of the Personal Loan.

  • How Will The Approved Loan Amount Be Disbursed?
  • Once the terms and conditions are accepted and the agreement signed, the loan amount will be transferred to the applicant's account via ECS.

  • How is The EMI Instated Paid to ICICI Bank?
  • The monthly installement will be deducted from the Bank account of the applicant on a predetermined date of every month as per the Tenure applied.

  • Is An Applicant Required To Physically Visit The Bank Before Receiving Funds as a Personal Loan?
  • Apply with us at yourloanadvisors.com in the comfort of your own premises we ensure you the Doorstep delivery of your Personal Loan.

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